"Everyone knows the more you wear pearls, little by little they become real....And isn't it the same with memories?" - The Madwoman of Chaillot

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Going home

I skipped a few days because we were just too busy but will add that later. Right now we are at Incheon airport waiting to check out luggage - it turns out you can get here too early so Bill's usual strategy of being extra early backfired a little. But we ate lunch and can check in soon.

We too a train from Yeongcheon to Dongdaegu, (30 min) then switched to the fast train to Seoul (1.5 hrs) took the brand new airport train (45 min) from Seoul station to Incheon airport and now are waiting for our first flight - the 14 hour fight to Detroit, then we have a two hour flight to Minneapolis.

We will be home (relatively) soon.... About 10 PM Thursday night....

Bye Colleen!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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