"Everyone knows the more you wear pearls, little by little they become real....And isn't it the same with memories?" - The Madwoman of Chaillot

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Be careful what you ask for day

So it was too hot a day or two last week and that elicited a lot of complaining - beginning of May is much too early for 90's and muggy! But then we got the opposite, rain and then cold. High today is more like 45 - almost 50 degrees colder than the beginning of the week.

Not a good day to sit in the garden so I took off for Target and Starbucks this morning...

Had oatmeal and latte for breakfast - reminded me of going there with Colleen

Here's the view of the garden - through the door.... I did go and buy a couple more plants but planting them will have to wait for temps above 45! Good thing is the light rain all day is good for the plants...

On May 13th, I did get a few pictures - planted some Hostas along the driveway and moved around some bird feeders so they are not so close to where I sit - and the ones the squirrels favor are moved closer to the ground so birds will use the others more. New bird - female cardinal, sorry its a bad shot but all I got.

 Cowslips blooming

Female cardinal

And here is a movie I took the day before when I couldn't use blogger - for Bill to see how nice its going to be to get home and sit outside.... he's in 90's and humid weather in Singapore...

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