"Everyone knows the more you wear pearls, little by little they become real....And isn't it the same with memories?" - The Madwoman of Chaillot

Friday, May 6, 2011

from the Garden May 6th

We moved two chairs out to the patio - much to the squirrels' consternation...

This little red squirrel was not happy with me for sitting out there - he leapt off the feeder and sat watching me.

Moved a little closer a couple of minutes later
and waited

I pretended not to notice and took some other pictures from my chair

buds on the Clematis vine

Jacob's Ladder

Colleen's wind chime

Four minutes passed and he still hadn't moved and was watching me intently

Ok, a spirea picture - its so pretty!

Still there at 5 minutes

One of the objects of his desire

Finally a bird showed up - the squirrel activity sometimes keeps them away

The squirrel did NOT like this! He ran up a tree chattering away

Then moved to a new spot to watch

After 8-9 minutes of making him wait, I had finished my coffee and went off to the store to buy some corn cobs squirrel feeders - maybe it will keep them away from the bird feeders for a few hours...

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