"Everyone knows the more you wear pearls, little by little they become real....And isn't it the same with memories?" - The Madwoman of Chaillot

Friday, January 28, 2011

Insadong and palaces

Here is Colleen and me standing by the Hyatt.

And walking in Itaewon.

One of the familiar sites I mentioned before.

After breakfast we hopped on a city tour bus which was a fairly interesting way to travel through much of central Seoul. We got off at Insadong which is a shopping area for more traditional Korean items. Love the wooden masks.

Colleen and I both bought new scarves because it was cold and it seems like Colleen attracted another Korean mom who had to put the scarf on her.

Just an interesting building

After shopping we stopped in a Korean Teahouse

And then off to the palace and Folk Museum. Will make that a new entry.

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