"Everyone knows the more you wear pearls, little by little they become real....And isn't it the same with memories?" - The Madwoman of Chaillot

Monday, September 26, 2011

Bill's day at 3M France

Little out of order here but Bill just got these photos to me from his phone.

I'm sure they worked hard but what is preserved for posterity is the lunch and Eric's car...

First the lunch - Relais du Soleil Levant - good restaurant but a little slow - I'm sure they just wanted to hurry back to work...

Bill had rabbit with honey and raspberry - getting to be a favorite

And Jerome's "plank" was interesting enough to photograph. An assortment of foods

And a very good Bordeaux

And Eric's car

2 cylinder 12 HP - can you find the cylinders?

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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